Friday, August 12, 2011

I Lead A Charmed Life...

We had an outstanding concert last night at Silda Jazz in Haugesund. A completely full church for our concert and this was a huge amazing church! We had a guest trombone player, Gunnar Bech, working with us and he did an amazing job. The audience was an enthusiastic one which made the performance a bigger pleasure. They ended our performance with a standing ovation and requests for an encore. It was truly lovely. But, I must say, the thing that really made yesterday's performance a treat for me, was looking all the way to the back of the crowded church to see my dear friend from home, drummer, Doug Belote!! Doug was at the back of the church for our entire performance. After the concert we hung out and talked and laughed, a lot. When you're around Doug, it's hard not to laugh, a lot! He's a funny, funny dude.

We all went to have dinner at the Maritime Hotel, Suløen and myself and Doug with the band he was there with, the amazingly talented Randy Crawford and one the one and only Mr. Joe Sample. We had a wonderful time. It makes the road a happy place when you have these really precious moments.

Today, I head back home to Langevåg and my poor husband who has been sick with a fever and terrible cough for the past 6 days. It's time for me to get back and look after my baby!

Next stop, Oslo Jazz Festival...


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear your concert was a success. Like I ever had a doubt. Sorry to hear hubby is sick. Give him a hug for us and tell him to get better. Miss you.
