Monday, November 19, 2012

My Siberian Journey...Vol 3.

My set at the SIbJazzFest was awesome!! The concert was in a sold out theater holding 1000. The band, Siberian Jazz, was fantastic. Outstanding musicians and truly lovely gentlemen. This festival is handled beautifully and professionally by an outstanding group of people from the Novosibirsk Philharmonic. I was in closest contact with Natalia, Anastasia, Aliona and Marina. Fabulous ladies who make it happen!! I so enjoyed working in Novosibirsk and I look forward to an opportunity to do it again and often.

It's funny the misconceptions that we have of a place before we go. During the reign of Tzars and during the earliest days of Communism we've heard stories of people being exiled to Siberia, so still, today we assume its some barren land of exile. It really isn't. Novosibirsk is a big busy city with so much art and culture to take in.
I will be posting more Festival photos as I get them. Oh! I had a fabulous time! The next time, I must ride the Trans-Siberian Railway!

Later fa you!!
The Jet-setting Diva!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Siberian Journey...Vol. 2

Well, now I'm here in Novosibirsk!! The flight from Oslo to Moscow was pretty uneventful. Sat next to a Norwegian guy who retired from the military, now in his early 40's and has been on a backpacking journey for the past 3 years. He was heading to Nepal and Kathmandu! Sometimes you meet truly interesting people on flights and sometimes you sit next to wakadoodles. It's a toss of the dice, really. 
I had some hours in the Moscow airport so I wandered around in the shops and people watched. I love to people watch. It helps pass the time in airports. I sat in a cafe had a delicious Russian pastry, a great cup of coffee and 2 excellent Russian vodkas! Best ever.
When it was time to go to the gate for the flight to Novosibirsk there was some sort of mixup with another flight's gate that was leaving at the same time. One lady began to shout at the lady behind the check-in desk and she yelled back. Then 3 other passengers joined in yelling. This turned into straight up pandemonium! There was a big crowd of people shouting and she continued to shout back. Hilarious!! She swung open the gate next to her leading outside to the awaiting bus to take passengers to the plane and yelled out, "NOVOSIBIRSK!!" Most of the people who weren't shouting were standing there looking confused. I walked past the angry mob and went to the agitated lady and handed her my ticket and asked, "Novosibirsk?" She said yes, took my ticket and scanned it. I gave her a big smile and said, "thank you, sweetheart!" She gave me a big smile, touched me on the arm and then promptly resumed yelling at the grumpy crowd. Priceless! I didn't know that Russians could be so fantastically Ghetto Fabulous. I love it!
I arrived in Novosiberisk at 5:50am. It was dark and covered with freshly fallen snow. Natalia from the Novosibirsk Philharmonic was there to meet me and when she saw me she came over and gave me a big hug. Awesome. She informed me that we were going straight to the hotel where I could get some rest and food before the events of the day. On the ride she gave me some of the history of the town. It was an industrial town that was growing and then almost completely abandoned after the Second World War. Once the Transsiberian Railway came to be, joining this vast area, it began to reimerge quickly. It became big in industry and also a large transportation hub connecting Russia with other Asian countries. Novosibirsk had the first subway system in Russia. Westeners have this image of Siberia as some empty, vast, cold wasteland. Some of it may be, but Novosibirsk is not. It is a large and active town with lots of beautiful theaters and stately public buildings. The streets are busy and bustling with people walking about dressed quite fashionably but appropriately for the very cold weather. Most Americans would shit a brick if they saw the multitudes of beautiful fur coats and hats all around, but these people are keeping warm. Sorry y'all but fur is WARM!!! Get over it and move on.
I got to the hotel and took a shower and then headed down to the breakfast room. This was a beatiful spread. The places with the most beautiful breakfast spreads, keeping in mind, these places have proper breakfast included with the price of the hotel room (unlike the dreaded "Continental Breakfast"...) Brazil, Angola and now Novosibirsk! They serve a lovely buffet of local and international breakfast dishes. Love it! After my wonderful meal I got some rest and then prepared myself for the press conference to officially open the festival. It was pretty cool. All of the newspapers and television stations for Siberia were in attendance. They asked me lots of questions and Natalia is an awesome translator. They wondered if it was too cold for me and I let them know that living in Norway had me well prepared for the winter so it was no problem. They also seemed pretty fascinated by my ornate nails, which is something to which I've grown accustomed, but usually not with the press. It was kinda funny. They also came to film some of the rehearsal with the band. A lovely group of guys who are also excellent musicians. The highlight was the drummer, Vladimir Kirpichev, who studies Brazilian music, so he has a great groove. We get together again for one more rehearsal before the festival performance. I'll be getting some photos with the guys and posting them soon.

Today, I have to do a tv interview, rehearsal, site seeing and then I'll head out to the festival's first concert featuring the great John McLaughlin. I'm am really enjoying this latest adventure. More to come as life unfolds.
Travel, see the world! It makes for a well rounded human being.
Later fa you!

Monday, November 12, 2012

My Siberian Journey...Vol. 1

I am off today to perform for a festival in Novosibirsk, Russia. My journey begins with my departure from my home airport, Ålesund Airport Vigra. The first thing that always makes me chuckle a bit is the moment the announcement is made that we will begin boarding, people rush in a mad frenzy to the gate. Now let me begin by clarifying, the gates in Vigra have the check-in and then a sheep-like pen, holding area where you wait again before the door opens to actually board the plane. So basically people are rushing to, wait. They stand, looking like a confused heard of cattle, jammed up in this area, staring at the sliding door leading outside as if magically willing it to open. It used to annoy me, now it's more entertaining, like watching National Geographic Channel.

Finally, the doors open and they rush outside to hurry to the plane. This part I'm all with because in Vigra, in November, it's wet and damned windy! I board the plane and looking to the back where I know my seat to be, I can see someone is sitting in my seat. Now, I make it a practice to do online check-in the day before my flight to be sure I can get the seat I desire. I like window seats. I'm not one who gets up much and I don't want folks moving me to get out. Also, I avoid aisle seats to avoid being crashed into when carts or people are coming. Anyhoo! I get to my seat and tell the gentleman sitting in it, excuse me, this is my seat. He stares at me with a clueless grin, so I show him my seat number on my ticket. As he scoots out and passes me for me to get in, he smells like an entire bottle of scotch. Lovely!! I so enjoy sitting next to the drunkest man in the world on a flight! To make the stench of him even more appealing, he is having some sort of sick love affair with his balls as he sleeps, snores, stinks and continuously yanks at his package for the duration of the flight. Oh mercy, I lead a charmed life! Thank The Lord this flight is only 55 minutes long.

My next flight is Oslo to Moscow. So more to come as I sit in Gardemoen Oslo Airport.

Later fa you!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

When Life Gives You Lemons...

I've been a bit out of sorts for a minute. I got this agonizing pain in my shoulder on Christmas Day that was so bad that I could barely hold my eyes open. My mom was here for the holidays and she and my husband were really concerned. My mother in law took me to an emergency care doctor in the town where they live. It seemed to be a pinched nerve somewhere between my neck and shoulder. They put me on hella-strong pain meds (morphine) and made an appointment for an MRI. Well, with socialized medicine, you might have to wait a little bit for that appointment, but the cost is minimal to nothing. A few weeks ago I had the MRI done but as the severe pain began to subside I began struggling to breathe. It felt as though something was stopping me from taking in deep breaths. Having a busy life, we try to ignore when we're not feeling well and push through. I had a tour coming up so I decided to contact my physician. He listened to my labored breathing and we both assumed that I had a respiratory infection, which is something that frequently plagues my life due to my immune deficiency. He put me on antibiotics and I left for my tour. 2 weeks later, I was still having severe breathing difficulties and a strange full, pressing feeling under my right ribs. I had to go out on another tour. While walking through the airport, not in any rush, I felt totally out of breath as if I had been running full speed. I had to stop and take breaks on a very short walk and was dizzy and seeing little flashes of light. I knew then that something was really wrong and I had to get it checked out. I began my concert tour and I noticed that I was struggling to sing and talk to the audience in between songs. The band also noticed and all of us we're concerned at that point. They wanted to take me to the emergency in the town where we were but I told them I could wait until I got back home. The tour was difficult in this condition and singing was hard, hard work. Sleeping was also an issue. I could not get comfortable and I had to sleep sitting up because to lie down flat made me feel as if I were drowning and fighting for air. I could not sleep longer than 4 to 5 hours. When I returned home my husband was extremely concerned and told me that we should go to see the emergency doctor. We went in and I was given blood tests and an EKG. They could see that I was struggling to breathe and my blood pressure was elevated due to the stress of not being able to breathe. They couldn't find any infection from the blood tests, so it ruled out a respiratory infection or pneumonia. The doctor listened to my breathing and then tapped along my back on both sides to listen to how my lungs sounded. He looked concerned and decided to send me for a chest X-ray. He got the chest X-ray back and was more concerned. When he tapped on my back he could hear that something wasn't sounding like it should on my right side. The X-ray showed the same. It appeared that something was compressing my right lung and liver. He filled out paperwork and made some calls. He had me admitted to the hospital. The Surgical and Pulmonary specialists looked at all of the test results and decided I should go into the Pulmonary Ward to further investigate what was going on. One of the first tests was to make sure I didn't have a pulmonary embolism. This was checked and ruled out. They said they wanted to do an MRI and a CT Scan. I really hate MRIs, so I mentioned to them I just had one. They were very curious as to why. I explained about my shoulder experience during Christmas. My doctor, Dr. Liaan, looked as if a light bulb had come on inside his head. I also informed him that I had a chest X-ray done in November 2011 because of breathing problems. He asked his intern, Dr. Godø to get those X-rays and the results of the MRI so he could look at all of them together. After the CT Scan he brought me into a room where there was a table and a huge machine. It was something like a living X-ray machine. He could move it over my chest and see inside on two large monitors. He showed me my left side and asked me to take a quick breath by sniffing in through my nose. I could see my diaphram pull up, as it should. He moved the machine over my right chest area and I could see that something had things "squished" up. He told me to do the same, take a quick breath. I did. Nothing happened on that side. Nothing. He told me to do it again. Same thing, nothing. He said, "Just as I thought." I asked him what was going on. He told me that the right hemisphere of my diaphragm was paralyzed and compressing my right lung and "relocating" my liver. So, I asked him, how do we fix this. He said, "We can't." We can't. One of the most important organs to a singer, after vocal chords is the diaphragm. To hear , we can't fix this, made me slip into this surreal, slow motion moment. I couldn't believe it and inside of my head felt hot. I looked at him and said, "You do know that I'm a singer, right? As a profession?" he said, "Yes I do. That's why we're going to figure out what's caused this and what kind of treatment we can provide to make this easier." This, of course, did not cool the heat and anguish inside my brain. He told me he was sending me back to my room and then shortly I would be seeing a neurologist and having a lumbar puncture to rule out Lyme Disease. Lyme Disease can also cause some of these symptoms. (tests came back. I wasn't bitten by a tick!)

I was wheeled into the neurology department and taken into the office of a lively, smiling female doctor who shook my hand enthusiastically and said she had heard me sing with Voxing at Teatrefabrikken in Ålesund and loved the show. I had a halfway smile when I said thank you. She registered my concern. She said, "I know this is very difficult for you but we will do everything we can to make your life and your singing a bit easier than it is now." She said that the trouble I was having with my shoulder was brachial nevritt (in english, brachial neuritis). It is the inflammation or damage to the phrenic nerve that presents itself after trauma, some vaccinations or work related injury, such as with farmers or construction workers and in rare cases it's idiopathic, which is basically doctor talk for unknown. Mine was Idiopathic Brachial Neuritis. In 2 to 5% of the cases, difficulty breathing presents itself and can cause diaphragmatic paralysis. I was in that small percentage. Ooooooh, lucky me!! The doctor told me that the paralysis cannot be be reversed, but the left lung would compensate for the compressed right side in time and my liver being "relocated" would also become less of a discomfort and would not affect its function. One promising thing, she was surprised that I was still able to sing with the use of only one hemisphere of my diaphragm functioning. I told her that it was extremely difficult but I was able to do it. She said this was actually, in my favor. It may be possible to electronically stimulate the left hemisphere along with me singing to get the left side to make up for approximately 25-40% of the right side. The weakness in my shoulder will get better with time and therapy between 6-24 months.

This is very promising news but I have a long difficult road trying to recover from this. After the cancer and removal of my thyroid I completely lost my singing voice and it took me almost 8 years to learn how to sing with the new voice and become comfortable with the voice I now have. Now, I'm having to learn how to sing again at 43 years old. It's a difficult road but I think with the help of friends and family, I'm making the journey.

Sometimes, when life gives you lemons, add a shot of vodka and tonic and toast to all things better!!!

I wish you, enough


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Monday, February 6, 2012

For Comfort's Sake - Part 1

Now, the first and most important on the plane accessory you'll need is a good carryon bag. Now, when I say carryon bag I don't mean a small roll along suitcase but a bag or backpack. Do NOT scrimp on your carryon bag. Cheap bags will have to be continuously replaced or repaired. There are two websites I use to get great carryon bags. There's eBags. They have a great selection of bags and backpacks. They also have a fantastic selection of luggage in all of the best brands. The plus side of eBags, there are often great sales and discounts. I dig eBags but my all time favorite is Magellans. This website has everything you need for a comfort filled fantastic travel experience. The products are not cheap, but you get quality and if there's an issue with anything you purchase, they have an excellent return policy. When choosing your bag you want to ensure 3 things, well constructed, sufficient pockets to organize, can it fit easily under the seat. I like to have my carryon under the seat in front of me, that way everything you need is easily accessible without making trips to the overhead bin. If you have long legs (I don't have that issue...) you will stow your bag in the overhead, so make a gallon zipper bag with all the things you need at hand's reach. I call it my "right-nah" (right now) bag. It should have whatever you need to settle in. You can pull your right-nah bag out and drop it on your seat and quickly put your bag overhead. Easy-peasy! I like to have a wheeled tote for my carryon. If you have long layovers or long walks to terminals, carrying a bag on your shoulder or back can becoming an issue, especially if you travel often. A rolling tote is smaller than a rolling suitcase and usually fits easily under the seat.

Your carryon bag should contain the things you need for use on the plane and layovers. Any medication you will need while traveling, plus a little extra. With medication you have to plan for and mishaps that can happen because of lost or late luggage. The remaining medication for your trip can go into your luggage. A tip on medication, for carryon, I put my pills into a pill organizer. They take up less space. I take a picture of the bottle's prescription labels on my mobile phone in the event there are questions in customs. You can purchase pill organizers at most pharmacies. You need to keep hydrated when you travel. Airports and especially airplanes with the dry recirculated air cause dehydration. With the pain in the butt liquid laws that exist around the world the price of bottled water has increased. Also, you have to throw away that expensive bottle of water every time you hit a new security checkpoint. The best thing to do is carry your own bottle. Several companies make water purification bottles where ordinary tap water can be used and filtered to make it clean and completely safe for drinking. If you look at the description on almost all bottle water, you're drinking purified water. Don't be fooled by the whole "spring" thing!! One more thing that truly is a must for flying, especially if you're going to be on a plane for 3 or more hours are compression socks. A lot of people think that travel socks are all hype, but I can tell you from personal experience, they are very necessary. DVT, deep vein thrombosis is a very real and very dangerous thing. Severe leg swelling can occur from sitting with hanging, bent legs for long periods of time and this can cause a blood clot in the legs which can travel to your lungs and cause a pulmonary embolism, which can kill you. Aren't some ugly tight socks better than death?? Magellan actually has a line of more fashionable compression socks if you care about that sort of thing.

Another thing that can help with avoiding DVT is a foot rest. Most airlines only have foot rests in Economy Extra, Business & First Class. You can travel with your own. In the world of blow up travel accessories there is a great inflatable foot rest. It's extra comfy and easily stores in your carryon.

The last 2 things in Part 1, to me, are also necessities. A pillow and blanket. Those little awful pillows that are offered on most planes are of no use for supporting your head. Also, I really don't trust the cleanliness of the pillows or blankets on planes. Some airlines give you a blanket sealed in plastic which are safe enough, but too often I've found long hairs embedded in the fibers of a blanket that do not match my black curls! Yuck!!! Now the little dinky pillow can actually serve a decent purpose, lumbar support. Your choice of pillow is up to you. Some people find the inflatable collars perfectly comfortable and there are a lot of different models to suit your level of comfort. Bucky makes, by far, one of the best and easiest inflatable pillows called Gusto. It's ergonomic shape is a huge plus and it has a touch button to inflate, deflate and adjust the air. (first picture below)

I prefer a travel pillow with a bit more extra special comfort. I'm a bit spoiled and after all, I travel A LOT! I like the Bucky Mini. It's a millet hull filled super, super soft, yet supportive neck pillow that's still small enough to fit in the the carryon or it can clip to the outside of your bag.

Now for travel blankets, there are a great deal to choose from. Find one cosy that's a good length and weight for you and that easily fits into your carryon.
In Part 2 I'll give you some tips on other carryon bits ad bobs that I use to make my travel life a bit easier.
I wish you, enough
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Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Small Contribution To Help You Travel In Comfort!

I started this blog to share some of the little niceties that make my travel life easier and more comfortable and I hope that it can also help you. Whether you travel all the time for business or if you're the occasional traveler for pleasure, comfort is a must. You don't have to buy expensive business or first class tickets or stay at 5 star hotels to have First Class comfort. This can be achieved by bringing your comfort along with you. I am not paid by any airline, hotel or company, so my info is just my own personal experience that I offer and you can run with it however you see fit!

I look forward to sharing my experiences with you!

I wish you, enough

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