Thursday, October 29, 2015

About Last Nite...

We had a fantastic night at Herr Nilsen in Oslo, courtesy of The New Orleans Workshop! Over full house and a beautiful mix of our older, lifetime fans of Traditional Jazz and a whole new group of great college aged fans! It was so magical. I'm always thrilled when the music reaches a new generation who appreciate the music that was born in my hometown, New Orleans.

Oh...I was all done up early for Halloween...I have a church concert on Saturday, so I had to get my costume groove on last night!

Thanks to Ingrid & Ms. Turi for the photos!

Later fa you!


Monday, October 26, 2015

Heading Down South!

Hello Music Lovers!! I'm going down to Oslo & Moss with my fellas in YSJE! We're going to be playing at Herr Nilsen in Oslo & we'll be doing 3 concerts with Moss Kammerkor. We're gonna put some lovely in ya earholes! Don't miss it or you'll be sad, deep down in your heart...

Later fa you!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Truly a #CharmedLife

I sit in a quiet house now. Everyone has gone off to bed. Festival life is fun and exciting but exhausting. As I sit, writing and munching on yogurt covered almonds and toasted cashews I'm thinking about my #hashtags I often use, #puttingthatlovelyinyourearholes and #CharmedLife. I realise more and more that these are truly my life.

Illness has tried to embattle me for many years. I first lost my song after a thyroidectomy. It took a year to gain a proper speaking voice and it's taken 10 years to cultivate my current singing voice. Trouble struck again 3 1/2 years ago with partial diaphragm paralysis and the loss of use in my right lung in the process from nerve damage. No matter the circumstances, I have fought back to SING. I have to SING. It's what the Creator has always guided me to do. I have had to work too hard to be able to sing. To put as lovely sounds as I am capable, to fill the earholes of the people I am lucky to encounter along my journey. It's all I can do. It's all I have asked for everytime tough times have graced my life. I get to travel spreading the joy of the thing that has kept me alive for more years than any medical diagnosis has every expected. I say I have a Charmed Life. That doesn't imply an EASY life. I never asked for easy, nor fame, nor fortune, nor my name up in sparkly lights. I asked to be able to do what I loved so I would never "work" a day in my life.

Thank you to my husband, Per Tore, who believes in my abilities when my own falters, that is most important. Thanks to my music partner and best friend, Paul David Longstreth. He has helped me drag my way through some of life's toughest moments. Thanks to Ytre Suloens Jass-ensemble, for giving me a new music home and the new group of musicians of TOKLE who have set a new fire of creativity in me. Most of all, my tiny little mama, Lolet. She set the spark and stoked the fire of my creative world. She's ALWAYS believed in me. She is my fairy godmother.

Yes, music life is not always easy. It can bruise the ego, beat up the spirit and sometimes piss upon you from on high, yet it can fill your world with such joy, there's no other calling for me. So yes, I lead a #CharmedLife.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Hello Jazz Ascona!!!


The Bootleg Duo is in Ascona, Switzerland for Jazz Ascona 2015! There will be great music and big fun all around in this beautiful city. Check back often to see Teedy & Paul David's musical adventures during this fantastic festival. To see photos and read Tweets from this event, visit



Remember, support LIVE music!


Later fa you!


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Kråkeslottfestival In Senja Was FUN!

We had a great time in Senja for the Kråkeslottfestival. It was an amazingly beautiful place and such a creative environment. It was a boat house and lighthouse from a century back and is now converted into an artist house and place for creative souls. The festival had an eclectic group of musicians performing and I was there with YSJE. We had 2 packed concerts with a beautiful response!

The guys joined the Sykepleierforeningens Trommekorps for the opening of the festival.

Later fa you!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Shiny New Music Projects!

Oh yea!! Music is treating me oh so well these days. I am involved in 2 great projects right now and it's taking me straight to my extra happy place. My music partner, Paul David Longstreth and I are re-tooling our longtime duo set, including new covers, duets and ORIGINAL MUSIC! The Bootleg Duo is up to some really great things. We started the Southern Louisiana Living Room Concerts. You can find out so much more about this at,

I've also become a part of a new and exciting project called TOKLE. This was the brainchild of Kristoffer Tokle, the young drummer that I work with in YSJE. Find out about all of that wonderful-ness at,

Get out there and support LIVE music. Your earholes will thank me.