Thursday, November 12, 2009

And here we go!

Well I'm heading to the airport now to begin what will be a very busy tour schedule. I have a gig in Oslo tonight and then onto more southern parts of Norway for a Culture House Tour. Following that, one free day for rehearsal and then off to Angola Africa with GUMBO! More info to come...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Busy Singing Bee

Well, off I go again! I'm heading out this Thursday to Part 2 of the Kulturhusturne with YSJ. Part 1 was awesome and had a great turnout for every show, so we're expecting good things from this one, as well. I will also be going to Angola, Africa with GUMBO, a Norwegian band that dedicates itself to education the youth of Norway about New Orleans styles of music and culture. They have made the trip to Angola many times before and they have asked me to join them on this venture. So, after lots of vaccinations and paperwork, paperwork, paperwork, I'll be on my way! I will tend to my blog while I travel and make sure to include lots of pictures and words on my experience there. Join me on this adventure.

Karma 360˚