Thursday, May 15, 2008

Back in Norge

Well, I'm back in Norway.  I had a blast in New Orleans for Jazz Fest.  YSJ rocked Economy Hall and it was so much fun to be home.  My mom surprised me by having my grandmother and my Auntie Joyce (my dad's sister) at our concert.  Big thanks to my cousin Kimberly for bringing my grandmother and big thanks to my cousin Connie for getting my Tee Joyce there.  Connie and Joyce came all the way from Houston!!  My family rocks!

I got to do the all night hang with my friends Greg & Wezie while I was there.  They're die-hards and come every year for Jazz Fest and the bring the great vibe and wonderful atmosphere everywhere they go.  I hadn't been with them since last Jazz Fest so it was great to see them.  Kåre and Doc even hung out with us.  I think this was they're first Jazz Fest after-party and I think they had a great time.

I have a few days to rest up before I get back to work here in Norway.  This weekend is a holiday here.  Its Norway's National Day, May 17.  So, needless to say, we'll be partying.  Norwegians really know how to party...